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What is a paradigm?

What is a paradigm?

What is a paradigm?

What is a paradigm?: The paradigm is defined from epistemology, cognitive science, and that great set of beliefs that allow to see and understand reality in a certain way. These beliefs also include certain preconceptions and philosophical beliefs that at one time shared the scientific community. As you may guess, the paradigms are constantly changing, changes related to advances and scientific discoveries that open up new perspectives and horizons.
In simple terms, a paradigm is the set of things we assume and believe, which serves as a base or filter our perception and interpretation of reality, for example if we quickly show a set of playing cards, going quickly to one, but those that are "hearts" with these black color instead of the traditional and customary red, see red hearts, and that is what "hope" of the reality of a deck of cards - the colors, Figures and numbers in this case are part of our paradigm for what are the cards in a deck. We all have a lens invisible positions that make us see reality according to a set of conventions and expectations about what things are and should be, which in other words is a paradigm.
The use of the concept of paradigm has its roots a few years ago, in 1962, when Thomas Kuhn, in his essay "The Structure of Scientific Revolutions" refers to the fact that both science and politics and history in general There are times when you think certain things, mastering a set of ideas over others. Also alludes to the fact that this set of ideas is always replaced by a new, well settled, a new paradigm, which in most cases involves a crisis or revolution. A clear example of this was what happened during the Renaissance, when it became the dramatic shift from classical physics, in which the Earth was the center of the Universe, the geocentric theory, the controversial heliocentric theory of Copernicus.
Something fundamental paradigms is that they not only include scientific beliefs, but have religious elements, social, aesthetic and philosophical context-specific, among others, which often are closely related to how successful the new paradigms as they born.
From the above, it is said that a paradigm is embedded in a context of discovery, along with those purely scientific and objective elements, called context of justification, allow a paradigm installed as such in particular historical moment.

What is a paradigm? 2012
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Published 3:00 p. m. by with 0 comment

What is Braille?

What is Braille?

What is Braille?

What is Braille?: Braille is the system used by blind people to read. This, a writing system works by allowing characters to read embossed using the fingers.
Each of these characters or cell contains six positions of points positioned in boxes, which are in two columns of three dots each. Each of these points can be raised (embossed them), so that the fingers, the blind person can feel this bump. When no relief, means that there is a space.
The first column contains numbers from 1 to 3. The second, which is positioned on the right, contains the numbers 4 to 6. Letters to be developing, carrying out various combinations of relief, with the various existing points.
With respect to the history of braille, this originally born, through the request of Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte, creating a silent communication system for soldiers, which could be read without light. It was called the night reading.
But this reading system, proved too complex, so that soldiers could read quickly the different notes. Apart from the resort that was the very act of learning to read under this system. Thus, as the military academies, rejected the project.
In the mid-nineteenth century, in the year of 1821, gave birth to the creation of Louis Braille, who having been blinded in childhood, had managed to create a speed reading system and easy to learn, for people who are blind. This person worked at the National Institute for the Blind in Paris. His idea was generated from previously developed systems for the military. Thus, as he realized that the previous system failed because their signs were very large, and to immediately determine the distribution of the relief using your finger, without having to move it. Which made it extremely slow. Its creation and great contribution was to develop or Braille cells, that is, the six points, which shape the letters, through the relief thereof.
Thus, as Braille, may be considered as the first binary encoding, the world. This system also can be used for the purpose of reading music and even mathematics.
The forms used to write Braille, are those described below. This the manual way, using along with a punch combinations to be forming. Are typewriters of this system (do not forget that the conventional typewriters, born by the request of an earl, a machine to write her daughter who was blind). There are also Braille printers, which can be connected to a computer. The latter is the modern and fast solution to the issue.
Regarding Braille characters, they come to occupy much more space than conventional print. This is how a typical page of Braille, which can grow up to 28 centimeters, for another 28, only gets to be room for 25 lines of 40 characters each.

What is Braille?2012
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Published 2:55 p. m. by with 0 comment

What is Islam?

What is Islam?

What is Islam?

What is Islam? Islam is a religion originating with the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad's revelations from God, or Allah, he did to it. The word Islam comes from the Arabic and can be translated into Spanish as peace, purity, acceptance and commitment.
This religion proclaims that God must be considered above all things, postulates that are quite similar to those of St. Augustine, who, like Islamic believers, or so-called Muslims profess that in the search for God is wisdom.
Islam began to develop in the seventh century in the Arabian territory, between the Red Sea, the Sea of ​​Oman and the Persian Gulf. This vast area, which takes up almost a quarter of the European continent, sheltering Islamic culture in a tremendously desert terrain, where sedentary life is quite complex.
In these desert landscapes Muslim civilization developed, rich intellectual and material. However, prior to this development, there were many tribes in the Arabian territory, each worshiped many deities, angels and spirits, until a charismatic character managed to unify, Muhammad.
Muhammad, better known as the prophet Muhammad was a person who, influenced by certain currents of Judaism and Christianity, taking into account both the Old and New Testament, proclaiming the oneness of God.
According to the religion of Islam, man is the greatest creation of God and have the freedom to decide whether to continue or not will the path that God has shown, however, the life of the Prophet Muhammad are presented as exemplary life will lead to salvation.
Muslim life is governed by the commands written in two texts, the Koran and the Sunna. The Quran is the word of God revealed through Muhammad, and Sunnah, is the collection of Hadith, ie the sayings, deeds and gestures made by the prophet that are constituted as legal and political solutions were not referred to in the Koran. Thus, the Qur'an and the Sunna, together, constitute the foundations of law and the Islamic religion.

What is Islam? 2012
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Published 2:52 p. m. by with 0 comment

What is Ramadan?

What is Ramadan?

What is Ramadan?

What is Ramadan?: Ramadan is a Muslim tradition to be celebrated every year during the ninth lunar month. This is that time in which Muslims perform a number of sacrifices in honor of Allah Both men and women must make fast and stop having sex from sunrise to sunset. They should also stop smoking and perfume.
Muslims stop all these activities because God has ordained. Thus, the will can develop through fighting thirst, hunger and sexual needs, showing loyalty to God and trying to become better people, more moral.
Fasting turns out to be a crucial part of Ramadan, and must be met to start puberty. The only people who are allowed to do are not children, pregnant women, the sick and travelers. Once the sun has hidden usual drink juice or water, which are accompanied by dates, however, after the Sunset Prayer, you can eat a full meal. Later, after a rest, Muslims must go to the mosque for the Special Night Prayer.
During the fasting period lasts, Muslims must continue to perform their daily activities in a totally normal, but there are some places where it was decided to adapt the work day two hours shortening.
By the last day of fasting, Muslims take a bath early in the morning and eat some food. Then, perfume and dress elegantly to go to the site of the congregation of the end of the fast. They address the place constantly repeating, "God is great, there is no God but God and God alone deserves all praise."
Not only are fasting, but many Muslims do retreats and pilgrimages in which the ultimate goal is to praise their God. Those who made withdrawals spend the day with fervor reciting the Koran, praying extraordinary prayers, studying the traditions of the Prophet Muhammad and repeating phrases glorifying and praising God.
Throughout the month-long Ramadan Muslims receive many blessings if they fulfill all the commandments of God. The poorest and most needy receive much help in clothes, food and money from their community. It happens that during this time flows among Muslims a special energy that makes people more generous and friendly.

What is Ramadan? 2012
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Published 2:48 p. m. by with 0 comment

Greek Gods

Greek Gods

Greek Gods

Greek Gods: In ancient mythology ruled the thinking of human beings. It was the way we had to explain everything that we could not fully understand. This is how they were creating the various gods of antiquity. As virtually every one of them is created in order to explain some physical phenomenon of nature.
Thus, as the Greeks were creating their own gods. Since understanding the world around them, was very limited. Therefore, they needed to create gods, which gave him a sense of their reality.
The Greek gods were 12. As Zeus, the most important, as was the god of gods. The father of all the gods. Monarch of Olympus mountain where lived and rested the Greek gods. He was the god of lightning and administered justice. He was the god of the Greeks more humanized. Since I had many human failings. It was extremely amorous. He had many lovers among the goddesses and mortal women.
Also was Poseidon, brother of Zeus. God of the sea. His rage was uncontainable.
Another god was Hermes, the messenger god. He was the leader of all travelers. It was the one carrying the news to every corner of Greece. He was the son of Zeus. He was also the protector of the economic and monetary dealings safeguard.
The lawful wife of Zeus is Hera. This was considered a very despotic and moody woman. It was the supposed protector of marriage. It was also a very jealous wife of her husband Zeus.
Another Greek gods, Hephaestus was. Son of Hera and her mother consented. Criticizing his father lived and defended his mother. Olympian Érale goldsmith. Creator of the armor of the Greek heroes. Likewise, he was the god of fire.
We also have to Dionysus, the god of the vine, to the celebrations of the excesses. Similarly, we have to Hades or the god of death. His kingdom is in Erebos, Zeus after he touched the sky and the seas Poseidon. His deity, is also linked to economic abundance.
Also is Athena, goddess of intelligence, born of Zeus's head. It is also the protector of cities and politics. The city of Athena, Athens is home and the Parthenon.
Moreover, we have Artemis, sister of Apollo. She likes hunting in the woods. She is the goddess of virginity, which does not like men. No one could see her naked, because if so, the punishment was death.
Aphrodite is the goddess of love. Represents all fruitful both in nature and in the animal kingdom. His son, what Eros is Cupid, who was falling in love all over, both men and women.
Moreover, among the Greek gods is Apollo, brother of Artemis. God of divination. God of the arts and medicine.
Finally, we have to Ares. He is the god of war free. Already struggling without distinguishing whether the opponent is a friend or not. Therefore, did not get along with Athena, the goddess of the just war. Never was honored in Greece, as their deity was equal to death and pain. Ares, Aphrodite finally conquering.
These are the Greek gods, which in a way also represent various characteristics of us humans. And is that the Greeks created gods in his own likeness. With their own defects. To make them closer.

 Greek Gods 2012
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Published 2:22 p. m. by with 0 comment

What is the Nobel Prize?

What is the Nobel Prize?

What is the Nobel Prize?

What is the Nobel Prize?:   Alfred Nobel, Swedish scientist and leading industrialist, was the creator of dynamite or TNT. One from development or invention of gunpowder, was created by Nobel, in the nineteenth century. But over the years, felt a bit miserable, for having accumulated a large fortune through an invention which was used in the war as an effective way of killing people. Thus, as months before his death, decided to create the so famous Nobel Prizes. This was stipulated in his will, which left signed, in the Swedish-Norwegian Club in Paris on November 27, 1895.
The Nobel Prize should be given to persons who have conducted scientific research, and outstanding technical artifacts invented. Also, they have done a great intellectual contribution to humanity.
Thus, as the first award was made in the Old Royal Academy of Music in Stockholm (capital of Sweden) in 1901. Where the Nobel Prizes handed, were in the categories of physics, chemistry, medicine and literature.
From the next date for the Nobel Prize, the award itself, began to be delivered by the King of Sweden. The decision was made, it is said, because he realized the tremendous publicity about your country, thanks to these awards. Thus, as it accepted that foreigners could also apply for the Nobel Prize (we speak of King Oscar II, who was the monarch at the time).
The Nobel Prizes, involving the delivery of a gold medal, in which is recorded the face of Alfred Nobel and a cash prize of more than one million euros. The idea of ​​economic support, is that the winner does not have to keep worrying about money and, thus, can concentrate exclusively on his next projects.
The award ceremony of the Nobel Prizes, are held, on 10 December, when its creator died. Of course the winners know in advance about in October, so they have time to get organized so they can go get your prize.
The Nobel Prizes category is as follows: Physics. Chemistry, medicine, economics, literature and peace. All are delivered first in Sweden. The last, of peace, is awarded in Oslo, Norway.

What is the Nobel Prize?2012 
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Published 2:13 p. m. by with 0 comment

What are the cartoons?

What are the cartoons?

What are the cartoons?

What are the cartoons?: This is an animation technique, ie to give the feeling that something is alive. The animation is based on a physical-chemical phenomenon that runs in the bottom of the eye, light affects cells called photoreceptor having a series of light-sensitive substances, there the light signal is transformed into a nerve signal.
For this to occur light must hit a few fractions of a second, otherwise the signal is not effective and this is the secret, if something is "moving" faster we see blurry, like the spokes of the wheel rims of a bicycle Quick round gives us the feeling that they are not and we can see from one side to another. The technique takes advantage of this cartoon, drawing the same figure in successive frames but with small differences that give the impression of movement.
In the film the quality standard is 24 fps project simple, in pairs of the same image (the image is actually projected 12 times per second) although you can also do in triples (eight times the same image). By in excess of 24 times is blurry and below 7 times not noticed movement. At first the moving figures were drawn with their funds, but it occurred to someone that the figures could draw transparent sheet is placed on the funds, labor-saving thing. Then stood behind certain funds to be photographed and this gave the impression of depth. The techniques are varied but they are based on.
In the early twentieth century a child, whose name was Walter, spent his afternoons stalking an owl perched on a tree branch. The child loved nature and wanted to take the animal to his younger sister Ruth and her mother. One afternoon, almost dusk, cheered and grabbed the animal by the legs, you can imagine the ruckus that was put together and after a few seconds the animal lay dead on the floor. The child was practically unscathed, ran to his room and mourned as beautiful animal. Then he took a piece of paper and drew the owl, in a gesture even if only to preserve their image and so began his love of drawing.
His full name was Walter Elias Disney or Walt Disney as they called family and friends, famous in what will respect the cartoons, creator of characters such as "Mickey Mouse". He is also the father of modern animation and maybe one of the men who left a legacy more beautiful than the human mind has been able to give to children. It is said that many years later, at a party, he told the story and mentioned in one of nature documentaries that tell both liked (the first to be made is that the world and won him many awards).

What are the cartoons? 2012
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Published 2:09 p. m. by with 0 comment

who was albert einstein

who was albert einstein

who was albert einstein:  Albert Einstein, who was born on 14 March 1879 and died on 18 April 1955 at age 76, is considered in the scientific world as one of the greatest physicists of all time. He noted especially for developing the theory of general relativity, laying the groundwork for what is now quantum physics and statistical mechanics. In 1921 he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics for his work on the photoelectric effect (key work in the development of quantum theory).

Einstein was born in the German city of Ulm in Germany, the son of Hermann Einstein and Paulette Koch. All his family were observant Jews. Being small received violin lessons, which he later become a big fan of the discipline of music accompanied him throughout his life, occasionally participating in string quartets and other small groups with friends and other fans. In school age attended school Luitpold Gymnasium where he received his education. Independently began studying Euclidean geometry and calculus. In his school, was characterized by having a character that often went against authority, because he believed that the spirit of learning and creative thinking could not develop in an environment that forced memorization. In 1900 he was awarded a diploma of professor at the Swiss Institute of Technology in the city of Zürich.

Because he was unable to get a job as a teacher, the father of a fellow who was offered a job as a technical assistant in the Swiss Patent Office, where was responsible for evaluating patents relating to electromagnetic devices. Later, in 1905, received his Ph.D. from the work "A New Determination of Molecular Dimensions". The same year, he wrote the material that would revolutionize the vision of science over time, space and matter, on Brownian motion, special relativity, the photoelectric effect and the equivalence of matter and energy (from which it appears his famous equation E = mc ², work it took to get the Nobel Prize).

It is in 1911 when it becomes professor at the University of Zurich, and shortly afterwards a professor at the German University in Prague. Then in 1914, is set in Berlin, being a college professor of the same name, became a member of the Prussian Academy of Sciences. When Hitler took power in 1933, Albert Einstein, was a visiting professor at Princeton University, a situation that forces him to resign his Prussian citizenship (because of his Jewish origin), staying in the United States (obtained citizenship corresponding in 1940). In 1939, sent a letter to President Roosevelt urging him to develop the study of nuclear fission for military purposes, as it meant that the Nazis were making atomic weapons. In the years that followed, the noted physicist of the twentieth century, studied unsuccessfully for a way to unify the laws of physics (the gravitational and electromagnetic forces). Years before his death, in 1953, is offered the presidency of Israel, to which waiver stating that "politics is for the moment, while the equations used for eternity."

He spent his life well in other subjects related to physics, such as his collaborator role models to explain black holes in the cosmos, and even participated in the design of a particular system of absorption chiller (using their experience in the field of patents), and it is noteworthy that despite its role in current quantum theory, no never liked her, saying he did not see God playing dice, in his words, and never fully accepted approaches theory, eventually the evidence showed the consistency and accuracy of quantum theory, at least as a model that has worked until now.

Albert Einstein Today, in addition to being recognized as one of the greatest scientists of all time, is also recognized as having belonged to humanitarian organizations, where he was a member of the Civil Rights Movement. Importantly, thanks to the theory of relativity proposed by former twentieth century the character according to the Times, it generated a revolution in the way of understanding reality, and the impacts of this thinker continue to influence science and the world Current.

who was albert einstein 2012
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Published 1:56 p. m. by with 0 comment

Alexander the Great

Alexander the Great

Alexander the Great

Alexander the Great: Alexander, recognized as one of the most famous military commanders in history, was born in July 356 BC, and died in June 323 BC He conquered most of the known world at that time, coming from ancient Greece to the banks of the Indus in India. During his life and after his death, inspired a literary tradition in which it appears as a legendary hero.
Alexander the Great, was the son of King Philip II of Macedonia and his fourth wife who was Olympia. Being small was educated by Aristotle, the great philosopher of the West, who taught rhetoric, philosophy, medicine, and science. When the father of Alexander the Great took his fifth wife, there was a family dispute about the legitimacy for the young Alexander could ascend the throne after his father had died, which meant he had to leave Macedonia with his mother and sister. Subsequently Macedonia's army seizes power over Greece, and soon after Philip II is assassinated, so Alexander is named king of Macedonia. Once in power, must conquer the cities of Thebes and Athens, which rebelled against Macedonian army, after achieving these gains, the unit of Greece. This allowed the legendary warrior, traverse the Dardanelles (Hellespont formerly), with an army estimated at 42,000 men, mainly from Greece and Macedonia, to conquer the Persian Empire led by Emperor Darius III. In 333 BC, manages to defeat the Persians at the Battle of Issus, which involved the army break into the Persian empire. Between 332 B.C. and 331 B.C. enters Egypt as a deliverer and founded the city of Alexandria, which was the capital of the Ptolemaic dynasty. Once conquered Egypt, faces and finally defeat the Persian army led by Darius at the Battle of Gaugamela in Assyria, which allowed Alexander leave and take the city of Babylon. After this historic feat, conquest Persepolis the capital of the Persian Empire. However, because it begins to take the customs of the conquered people, arise hostilities against him, for the Greeks began to notice that one began to deify. This meant that began to surface numerous plots to assassinate him, which resulted in numerous military members (some of them very close to it), were executed for treason. After the conquest of the Persian Empire, decides to conquer India, where he lost many of his men in fighting that had to overcome. However, in 326 BC, manages to defeat the Indians at the Battle of Hydaspes, allowing Alexander could continue his conquests to the east. But at this point, the soldiers were exhausted, so it was decided to return to Greece. On his return, he died in the city of Babylon at 33 years of age for reasons that are unknown.
After the death of Alexander the Great, he founded the empire is divided among his officers. Although they wanted to preserve the unity, rivalries emerge soon, so the empire split into 4 parts. However, the legacy of that was one of the greatest military strategists, can be seen in the cities he founded, as founded Alexandria in Egypt, which still has an enormous importance today.

Alexander the Great 2012 
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Published 1:49 p. m. by with 0 comment

who was abraham lincoln

     who was abraham lincoln

  who was abraham lincoln: Abraham Lincoln was President number sixteen of the United States and the first GOP. He was born on February 12, 1809 and died on April 15, 1865. During his government managed to restore federal unity to win the fight against the Confederate States of America. Also the one who abolished slavery in the United States.
Coming from a family of settlers, during his youth he worked as a lumberjack and fought the Indians until he had titled a lawyer. In 1833 he was appointed as a deputy, but lost his seat for opposing the war against Mexico. Despite his attempts to regain a place in Congress, he failed and was rededicated to the practice of law.
In 1854, already married to Mary Todd Lincoln, the lawyer formed the Republican Party in Illinois. Before, had belonged to the Whig Party disintegrated in the same year.
During the GOP convention in 1860, Lincoln faced the other candidates of his party that postulated for president. After three ballots, the Illinois attorney was able to convince his fellow, by his great oratorical ability, and was chosen to represent the Republicans in the next election.
His eternal rival, the Democratic Party was divided between: Stephen A. Douglas, supported by the Northern Democrats, and John C. Breckinridge, of the South. In addition, there was a fourth candidate presented by the Union Party, John C. Bell, who was a former Whig. With Democrats divided, Republican chances were higher. In the elections of November 6, 1860, Lincoln won.
Already installed in the White House, the southern states told him that secession was inevitable. This increased the tension in the country and Lincoln should always be accompanied by a large group of bodyguards. Even, on one occasion, had to dress to enter Washington latent threats.
This scenario was that Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation, which freed America from slavery by the Thirteenth and Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution. Where, besides abolishing slavery, established the federal imposition of civil rights.
The Civil War that lashed the country was the main concern of Lincoln. Once we managed to defeat the Confederate States, led by Jefferson Davis, Lincoln traveled to Richmond, the Confederate capital, and sat behind the desk of Davis in a clear sign demonstrating that U.S. President was one and only throughout.
In 1864 another election looming and Republicans supported her back to Lincoln. For their part, Democrats returned to find split finally came up with a consensus candidate and presented to General George B. McClellan. Despite this, Lincoln was reelected president and March 4, 1865 he began his second term.
The assassination of Lincoln was literally theatrical. When the president went to see a play with his wife, John Wilkes Booth, an actor and Southern sympathizer from Virginia, was shot in the head and fatally wounded.
This famous American President was the one who managed to preserve their country's geographical union through "government of the people, by the people and for the people", as he would claim. However, critics believe that Lincoln did not respect your right to self-government and forced to submit to the control of a central body such as the U.S. federal state

     who was abraham lincoln 2012
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Published 1:43 p. m. by with 0 comment

What are the most important historical figures?

What are the most important historical figures?

What are the most important historical figures?
In the article below, we will embark on the challenging and exciting task to appoint aa the most important or influential people in the history of mankind. Of course this list is not definitive, but these characters are repeated in the rankings that have been developed by various groups, not to be strict in order of importance, we will review the main contributions of these men in alphabetical order. We hope this list is to your liking.
To begin our list of great historical figures, we Aristotle (384 BC - 322 BC), the great Greek philosopher, probably the most influential man in history. He believes that he is largely responsible for the overall structure of Western civilization, our way of thinking and seeing the world. Also laid the groundwork for what would be the sciences, which are the basis of our present world.
We will continue in our list of Augustus (63 BC -14 AD), the Roman emperor who gave peace and prosperity to Rome after 100 years of internal wars. Under his tutelage and succession systems for government, Rome reached its maximum splendor in the arts and literature.
The Buddha, Siddhartha Gautama (560 BC - 477 BC), has been the source of inspiration for an important part of the world through the centuries. His doctrine of the middle way between the extremes of mortification and indulgence, is an ever-present example of tolerance, nonviolence, and wisdom through this doctrine, millions of people seek peace and inner wisdom.
We continue in our list of the most important historical figures with Christopher Columbus (1452 - 1506), the discoverer of the New World was called America. Columbus finally proved what others had speculated: it is possible to reach east by sailing west. His feat, comparable with the first man on the moon, has been an inspiration to all the great explorers and adventurers who followed him in the sea of ​​history.
For over two thousand years, the teachings of Confucius (551 BC - 479 BC) have served as pillars for East Asian civilization. Respect for this thinker was such that he was considered the "master teacher" and bowing to emperors in his grave. Its principles of benevolence and order are still taught and appreciated in the world.
Albert Einstein (1879 - 1955), with his theory of relativity, and the implications of the concepts of mass and energy, is considered in many publications as the greatest man of the last century. He was a man of great creativity that transformed the understanding of the nature of things forever.
On with Galileo Galilei (1564 - 1642), known for his contributions to physics and astronomy, who is considered the father of modern experimental science. He was condemned by the church at the time for his vision of the cosmos based on the theories of Copernicus, but Galileo recklessly, one of the most important historical figures, continued his research even during his arrest.
Johannes Gutenberg (1400 - 1468), invented the printing press, allowing first mass production of books, with consequent expansion and dissemination of knowledge than ever before. It really is the father and founder of the information age, and without his invention advances in science and knowledge that followed would have been impossible.
Jesus, his teachings and disciples was the founder of one of the most widespread religion in the world. His doctrine of love, equality and concern for the sick and infirm is respected and appreciated by the followers of all faiths.
Muhammad (570-632), who is the prophet of Islam, laid the foundation for the development of the Arab world and splendor. The doctrine of equality before God of believers not only served to devotees, but fortunately for western Islamic civilization preserved and revived the knowledge of antiquity in Europe after the Dark Ages.
Isaac Newton (1642 - 1727), another in our ranking of the most important historical figures, author of the famous "Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica" which proved the theory of gravity, is considered one of the greatest scientists in the history of humanity. Also developed what we know today as the calculation and discovered that white light is a combination of the other colors using prisms.
St. Paul (5 BC - 64 AD), the great apostle of the Christian Church, with its missionary activities allowed the message of Jesus to expand around the world. It is considered the most influential teacher of Christianity.
In China, Shih Huang-ti (259 BC - 209 BC) was the first governor can unify this great empire, establishing a centralized administration which served as a model for more than two millennia. It was contrary to the teachings of Confucius especially regarding the limits to the powers of rulers, and ordered to burn all the literature on the topic. It was he who initiated the works to build the "Great Wall", which aimed to protect the territory of the enemy.
Finalizing our list we can not fail to mention Lung Tsai (48-118), with a special place among the most important historical figures, whose invention of paper, China allowed rapid cultural development momentum was only surpassed in the West with the inventions of Gutenberg (printing). The invention of paper just arrived in Europe in the fourteenth century, and that could not be replicated anywhere else in the world, which often happens with other inventions.

What are the most important historical figures? 2012
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Published 1:33 p. m. by with 0 comment

what was chernobyl

what was chernobyl

what was chernobyl

what was chernobyl; The Chernobyl nuclear disaster refers to an accident which occurred on April 26, 1986, when at 1:23 in the morning and caught fire exploded reactor number 4 of the nuclear power plant in the town of Chernobyl, dying in the place 31 people, 2 because of the explosion and 29 due to radiation, all workers at the plant.
This explosion caused the release and dissemination of a huge amount of radioactive material into the atmosphere, thus allowing a large surface contaminated countries such as Ukraine, the Russian Federation and Belarus.
The accident occurred after a series of human errors in the processing reactor, where finally disconnected turbine steam line in order to perform a test. When this maneuver was performed, the voltage fed to the pumps underwent several changes, forming vapor bubbles in the core rose high radioactivity, and hence also its power, causing a huge explosion.
Some of the materials and a certain amount of fuel were thrown away because of the explosion, causing more than 30 fires in the area, claiming many lives due to fire and exposure to radioactive material.
The consequences of this disaster has generated over the years is quite difficult to estimate, because the exposure to radiation that people are exposed to contaminated localities probably still affects on your health.
The IAEA, or the International Atomic Energy Agency, said that because of the Chernobyl explosion on April 26, 1986 have been killed around 4,000 people. However, since more than 20 years after the disaster, an estimated 93,000 people have died of cancer from radiation. This figure comes from the 2,000 million people exposed to radioactive fallout, of which 270,000 have developed some form of cancer, among which are leukemia, thyroid cancer, bowel cancer, breast, rectal, bladder, lung and kidney.
Not only you can see health consequences such as cancer, but also cardiovascular diseases developed from which some 200,000 people have died, not to mention the countless number of children born with terrible deformities.

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Published 1:25 p. m. by with 0 comment

what was the cold war

Cold War

cold war picture

what was the cold war: This was a more or less passive conflict between the United States of America, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and countries allied with either side. Although for most Cold War begins at the end of World War II most likely have their origins long before the First World War. Generally, a cold war is a state of permanent conflict where no direct military intervention, but that the actions taken at the strategic, political and economic (more espionage, sabotage and other indirect means), from this point of view Historically there have been different "cold wars", but to talk about it usually refers to the conflict that will relate in this article.
The appalling social conditions of the people in most European nations was, among other factors, the breeding ground for Marxist ideas before the First World War. Especially in Russia these conditions were particularly fertile due to the policy of the ruling family (the Romanovs), and the impetus given Lenin. The fall of the Romanov dynasty conducting the seizure of power by the Bolsheviks (the radical branch of the Russian Communist Party) because the Russian people was exhausted by the war that had made romanov participate. In the years following the October Revolution Russia is isolated and holds a long civil war with the White Army that is financed by other countries fearful of communism. In the interwar years the countries "capitalists" are some totalitarian communism a brake, allowing the emergence of Nazism and fascism.
Such unfair conditions imposed on Germany and cause excessive economic depression of 1919, as Germany could not pay reparations prompting many countries unable to pay their loans to the U.S. and this caused the stock market crash. Thanks to this totalitarian parties gain power and Nazi Germany achieved a miraculous economic recovery expropriating the assets of those who opposed them and the Jews, and then start the Second World War.
Then the communist were not seen as enemies but as allies until the war ended. Germany is divided between the winners of the war, and both the U.S. and the Soviet Union are trying to influence block by this means controlling the world stage. At this point begins the Cold War so named because neither contenders never directly attacked. The term is attributed to an American statesman and a journalist from that country. However if there was armed conflict financed by both sides in countries such as Korea, where Americans first applied its "containment policy" which basically was to keep the Soviet Union increased the number of its allies. Other conflicts such as Korea, Nicaragua, Afghanistan and many other countries "third world" were used as a shield of policies that both sides went.
It was a war of attrition of the appeal of both countries. Another major factor that prevented a direct confrontation was developing nuclear weapons, creating an arms race of which we have inherited between 5000 and 10,000 nuclear warheads in the U.S. alone, a fraction of this arsenal sufficient to destroy all intelligent life the planet if not all living things. A mid-80s economic wear was very noticeable in the Soviet Union and cause the fall of the communist regime. Symbolically the reunification of Germany is marking the end of the Cold War.
It is very significant destruction of the famous "Berlin Wall" that had been built by the Russians to divide the western part (under American influence) of the Communist (East). In my personal opinion was a conflict foolish, cowardly and cunning. Fool for the number of lives worldwide collection (believed to reach a similar number of World War II); coward because neither party really wanted to participate directly and shrewd indeed they got free a war with minimal involvement of their own people.

what was the cold war 2012
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