Published 1:22 p. m. by with 0 comment

y8 games

y8 games

Basically it is a directory style mini shockwave and flash games, where we see a window with sets of this format.

It's like a flash arcade where you can see thumbnail previews of each of them, when clicking on an obviously opens the game.

Y8 is classic flash games, move the cursor, use the mouse, etc, etc.


y8 y8 y8

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Published 12:48 p. m. by with 0 comment



Bikinis is  one of the most commonly used female clothing and created as many adepts, is the bikini. A bikini is a learn, which consists of two parts. The first covers the upper part of the woman, or breasts. The second part covers the lower part of them. The central idea of ​​a bikini, is its use as a bathing suit. Today, any woman who gets into a pool or sea, used bikini, and swimwear.
Another bikini profits and therefore has been so famous, is sunbathing with. Since the cover a smaller portion of the body, compared to their predecessors, makes skin more of the female body, is exposed to sunlight. Thus achieves a more even tan throughout the body.

It has often taken the bikini, as an element of vanity. For the same reason above said. And it is true, since every woman loves to be tan or a healthy color, as they point out.

The name bikini

The name bikini, it must be to an atoll called Bikini. In tests we performed atomic and tests in the same time when it was released swimsuit, the idea of the name comes from the fact that its launch created a veritable explosion or upheaval in society.

The bikini as such, was created in 1946 by designer Louis Reard. Garment at the time, I highly controversial for its design and size of the two garments. Since society was accustomed to using bathing suits, broader and covering a greater portion of the body.

bikini swimsuit 
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Published 11:55 a. m. by with 0 comment

فيس بوك

 Facebook فيس بوك

فيس بوك
الفيسبوك هو موقع يضم العديد من الشبكات الاجتماعية المتصلة المدرسة، الكلية، والمنطقة، والعمل، وما إلى ذلك.

الناس استخدام الفيسبوك لمواكبة الأصدقاء أو الزملاء، والصور المشاركة، وصلات، وأشرطة الفيديو، وما إلى ذلك.

يمكن لأي شخص الانضمام الفيسبوك، كل ما تحتاجه هو عنوان بريد إلكتروني.

أما بالنسبة للخصوصية، لديك السيطرة على الطريقة التي تريدها لتبادل المعلومات الخاصة بك والتي يمكن أن نرى ذلك. يمكن للناس أن ترى سوى لمحات من أصدقاء المؤكدة.

فيس بوك Facebook 

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Published 11:34 a. m. by with 0 comment

best hair removal methods

Best hair removal methods

best hair removal methods

Getting a good and effective hair removal is one of the most important concerns for women, more and more interested in increasing their beauty and personal hygiene. Although there are many systems market to eliminate hair, the choice of either depends mainly on the needs of each and important factors such as the characteristics of our skin, hair type and area to be waxed.
Knowing the main advantages and disadvantages of various types of hair removal that can be carried out at home helps you choose the best for us to get the best results.
Hair Removal Methods
Although it is a fast and comfortable, remove hair with a razor can cause small cuts on the skin surface, in addition to annoy and sting, they are unsightly.
This shaving cuts the edge of the hair and leaves it with a tapered shape, which makes it grow thicker and coarser. The hair thus appears removed soon as its action is abrasive, the skin is irritated and dry.
Speed: 5 minutesTechnique: The hair is not uprooted, cut close to the skin. There are razors that have incorporated a range of aloe vera, soothing and hydrating plant to avoid irritations.Duration: 2 to 3 daysAreas to apply: May be applied over the whole body except the face.Recommended: For those with varicose veins and poor circulation.

Hot waxing is not suitable for women suffering from venous insufficiency or varicose veins since the heat dilates blood vessels. So gradually imposes the use of waxes cold, or roll-on format or papers, which performs the same function but without heating. To remove hair comfortably, it is better to have a particular length although this is not a problem as there are market specific products to remove hair for up to 2 mm.
The benefits of this system, stresses its exfoliating effect as it removes dead cells from the skin surface. When starting from the root hair grows thin and weak, which makes hair removal in future feel less pain. Their results are more durable because the skin remains perfect from 3 to 4 weeks.
Speed: About 30 minutes for large areas.Technique: The wax is heated and spans the area to be waxed arráncadola against the grain when dry.Duration: 3 to 4 weeksAreas to apply: The whole body.Recommended: They are very hygienic because they are single use. Dissolve in water if it can not boot properly. Recommended for use with dispenser because it is easier to use.
Depilatory cream
Because this chemical process, the hair is dissolved with a rounded form and grow is less noticeable than the blades rough and lasts longer. It is a painless and convenient to use that comes in several varieties adapted to each skin type, even the most sensitive and irritation problems.
Speed: 15 minutesTechnique: Its effect is like that of the razor, shave hair from skin surface.Duration: 2 to 4 daysAreas to apply: You can apply throughout the body.Recommended: For its speed, but be careful with the exposure time, spend the time recommended by the manufacturer may cause irritation. Test small area first. If used on the face, do not take direct sun could produce liver spots.
Electric clippers boot
It takes about twenty minutes to shave the whole leg. The results hold for three or four weeks because the hair clip machine and starts with the root. You can use the whole body, excluding the area of ​​the face and if you choose a device with pain relief band, the trouble is buffered enough
Speed: In 20 minutes we can pluck whole legs.Technique: The machine clip the hair and starts with the root.Duration: 3 to 4 weeks.Areas to apply: You can apply throughout the body, except the facial area.Recommended: It is a relatively faster and more durable than previous ones. We recommend using razors that have built a band "pain relief", whose function is to make a mini massage in the area and relieves the pain of sitting.
Laser hair removal is the method of choice to combat excess hair in unwanted areas.The methods of hair removal by pulling (wax, tweezers and electrical machines) have been shown to stimulate growth and adverse effects such as pseudofolliculitis, hyperpigmentation and thickening hair perifollicular.
After the sessions corresponding to each zone, for example between 6 and 8 for chin, or 8 to 10 for legs and 4 to 6 for underarms and bikini line, hair reduction is achieved between 80% - 90%. The number of sessions is for women who do not have endocrine problems. Hirsute women, and men often need to attend more meetings or more often. It is necessary to make one or two maintenance sessions per year, this happens because there are some hair left to stand for 6 years. Anyway 80% of the hair will not grow more hair and was probably resting or atrophic villous type, little pigmented, thin and slower growth due to thermal effects spread from treated follicles.
After choosing the type of hair removal, you should follow some tips for a perfect hair:

  •     The best place to shave is a comfortable and where they have everything at hand.
  •     To avoid possible staining wax some plastics may be placed on the floor and seat.
  •     The preparation of the skin is an essential step, cleansing and exfoliating with a mitt.
  •     When using a body scrub, not to the day of the waxing but 3 or 4 days before.
  •     It should be well hydrated skin as this comes out better hair, for which we must use a moisturizing lotion that is not fat so that absorption is rapid and plucking after a few hours ..
  •     Before using the warm wax, you must test it in a sensitive area like dolls. If the format chosen is roll-on, it should be kept upright with the head down to the wax to slide easily.
  •     In summer it is convenient to shave a day or two before going to the beach or pool.
  •     You have to shave often (at least once a month) because hair growth is constant.
  •     More effective hair removal is one in which the hair has at least half a centimeter.
  •     Check that you are not taking any medication that causes allergic reactions.
  •     For a special occasion, hair removal should be made in advance to allow time to clear the redness.

What never to do:
Apply the wax in areas damaged, irritated with bumps or varicose veins.

Overheat the wax to prevent irritation and burns tions

Pull up to remove the wax as this can cause skin tears and bruises.

Apply several coats of wax in the same area, with a single enough.

Press the roll-on container while applying the wax.

Apply roll-on to the skin before it has been on a strip of cotton until the wax appears.

Waiting too long from the application of wax to give? Pull?.

I hope this guide will be useful and you can choose the best hair removal method for you!

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Published 10:55 a. m. by with 0 comment


dilandau is a music search engine mp3 format that incorporates various features such as: search for songs, downloading files, listening to the songs, evaluating them and send to friends songs that are liked by the users.

The page itself does not host music files, only allow access. That is, containing the music files are not on servers, but on thousands of servers spread around the world. all it does is to locate these files and allow the user to access them. His concept therefore has some similarities with what would google in the world of web pages, although in this case with a specialization in the world of music.

 Well now you know, where do you download music,  dilandau is your place.

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Published 10:21 a. m. by with 0 comment

what is a peninsula

what is a peninsula

 A peninsula (Latin paeninsŭla) is the portion of land surrounded by water and linked to another land of greater extent by a relatively narrow.

 In general, the water surrounding the earth is sea water, but also appear peninsulas in large lakes and even in other smaller areas of water such as estuaries or rivers. In many Celtic and Germanic languages ​​and also in the Baltic, Slavic and Hungarian, the peninsulas are called 'half-island. "(French and literally keeps the original etymology of "almost island" presqu'île).

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Published 7:55 a. m. by with 0 comment

Nernst Equation ph

Nernst Equation ph    

The Nernst equation expresses the quantitative relationship between the standard redox potential of a redox couple given potential observed and the ratio of concentrations between the electron donor and acceptor. The Nernst equation is presented as:

RT [acceptor]Eh = E ° + --------- --- ln (1)
nF [donor]

where E ° = standard redox potential at pH = 7.0,
T = 298 ° K and all concentrations are at 1.0 M.
Eh = observed electrode potential.
R = gas constant, 8.31 J / ° mol.
T = absolute temperature in ° K.
n = number of e-transferred.
F = Faraday constant, 23.062 cal / V or 96.406 J / V.If T = 298 ° K, the term 2303 (RT / nF) has a value of 0.059 mV / decade when n = 1 and 0.03 when n = 2.The equilibrium potential of an ion through an interface is described by the equation:

C2 RTE ° = ---- ln ---- (2)

where RT / SF = 25.3 mV, if T = 293.15 ° K and Z = 1.
C1 and C2 are the concentrations at each side of the interface.Since the Nernst equation is universally applicable for steady state potentials generated by a concentration difference across any type of interfaces (such as the electrochemical cells, artificial and biological membranes or selective electrode), it is possible to demonstrate validity testing predictions derived from this equation. This can be done easily by using a cation-selective electrode.For an ion selective electrode for a univalent as H +, K + or Na +, equation (1) can be written as follows:E ° = A + 0.059 log C1 (3)where C1 is the concentration external to the electrode, A is a constant which includes terms of internal concentration of the electrode, the potential exists asymmetric through its membrane, which is characteristic for each electrode and the reference electrical potential.As can be seen, equation (2) has the form of the equation of a line of slope m = - 59 when plotted in mV electrical potential against-log C1 or pC1.Acidic and basic solutions have measurable electrical potentials through electrodes, the most used is glass, which consists of a Ag-AgCl half-cell immersed in HCl to a known concentration. The half cell is a calomel electrode consisting of Mg-MgCl in a solution of KCl at a known concentration. The very thin glass membranes are permeable to H + ions selectively. The potential across this membrane is a concentration due to potential differences in the concentration of H + and theoretically is governed by the Nernst equation.The glass electrode is applicable to virtually all kinds of substances, including those containing oxidizing or reducing strong. You can enter as cheese-solid substances and obtain satisfactory values ​​of pH. It is also ideal for measuring pH of biological fluids. 

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Published 8:11 p. m. by with 0 comment

how to tutu

 how to tutu
They just need tulle and elastic, do not need machine. Scrim may be one or more colors.

STEP 1: sew the elastic to the waist measurement of the recipient of the tutu (DO IT just to keep from falling to dance and not be a very fine eleastico to not give a lot). The elastic should be about 2 to 3 cm wide approximately.
STEP 2: Cut strips of tulle as long as twice the desired length for the tutu over 5-7 cm. The width of the strips of tulle will be about 12cm. Cut as many strips as you need the elastic.

STEP 3: Fold the tulle in half the long making a "U". Set on elastic and spend the points inside the "U" doing a little knot. The little knot of can be left in or out, according to like more.

STEP 4: Adjust the knot and repeated with the next strip. Repeat the process until all the tutu.

OPTIONAL: You can decorate with fabric flowers and other accessories. If you do not want to sew anything, they can do on a tape long enough to tie leaving.

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