Published 8:11 p. m. by with 0 comment

how to tutu

 how to tutu
They just need tulle and elastic, do not need machine. Scrim may be one or more colors.

STEP 1: sew the elastic to the waist measurement of the recipient of the tutu (DO IT just to keep from falling to dance and not be a very fine eleastico to not give a lot). The elastic should be about 2 to 3 cm wide approximately.
STEP 2: Cut strips of tulle as long as twice the desired length for the tutu over 5-7 cm. The width of the strips of tulle will be about 12cm. Cut as many strips as you need the elastic.

STEP 3: Fold the tulle in half the long making a "U". Set on elastic and spend the points inside the "U" doing a little knot. The little knot of can be left in or out, according to like more.

STEP 4: Adjust the knot and repeated with the next strip. Repeat the process until all the tutu.

OPTIONAL: You can decorate with fabric flowers and other accessories. If you do not want to sew anything, they can do on a tape long enough to tie leaving.

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