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Five Tips for LinkedIn to 'sell' better

Five Tips for LinkedIn to 'sell' better

More than a better job or find vacancies, LinkedIn may be the best personal letter of presentation to companies, recruiters and professionals with similar interests. The secret to exploit its value is to harness the elements delivery platform users.

"Sites of jobs online became as newspaper ads but digital, ie never evolved and applied only people who saw the ad," director Solutions Talent LinkedIn Latin America, Milton Beck said.

LinkedIn changes the paradigm because it is not only a platform to provide jobs, also to build professional networks.

Faced with this prospect, who really seek to capitalize on the network have to maximize visibility, reach and impact of their profile.

Beck explained that a good profile can not only build better networks, but also opens the possibility that recruiters around the world will find this to offer employment opportunities "that perhaps were not looking but can be attractive".

The executive of the social network gives five tips to increase visibility to your profile.

1. Make the overall

You might look first to grow your network of contacts among people you know or colleagues from the same company which is highly recommended. But being a social network with global reach, LinkedIn gives you the opportunity to add personality global, they tend to share valuable information within the platform.

Define your interests and the same platform will recommend relevant people including businessmen, entrepreneurs, global CEO, with similar profiles. Bill Gates may never give you a recommendation, but it's always valuable to know what one of the richest men in the world has to say and share in business, personal success or even literary interests.

2. Do not be afraid to share

Having full profile is only 50% of the work. As networks like Facebook or Twitter, LinkedIn requires constant care and feeding. Share articles, initiated discussions (avoid controversial issues), ask questions, and recommended books, articles or studies.

By sharing valuable information, your profile will have more visibility and allow you to increase your professional network members, who in turn (you know personally or unintentionally) may recommend or get certified in the type of skills you want to highlight.

3. Beyond Text

LinkedIn is not a curriculum, so that limited the serious and long text could affect the visibility of your profile against other users. Take advantage of the option to upload media to your profile.

You can upload photos, videos, images, presentations and documents. For people that are in development or creative spaces is better upload your own work to say anything more than what they have accomplished their work.

Make a video of a couple of minutes to describe who you are will allow focus on the most timely and important aspects of your career and personality.

4. Be bilingual

Although not required, the recommendation is to write your profile in English and Spanish. The task will allow you to practice the language and leave the door open for any user to understand who you are, your education, career and skills.

Beck LinkedIn is blunt: "Companies today are looking for the best talent, regardless of whether they are in Mexico, Colombia, USA and Brazil."

5. Adjust your skills and recommendations

While the platform fits your skills according to the number of recommendations to purchase, you always have the option to edit the order in which you want to appear or you wish to feature.

According to social network profiles with organized abilities has 13 times more likely to be seen by other users. It is vital that you keep this section updated and in the preferred order.

Besides organizing your skills, it is important to ask for recommendations for your work. The idea is to lose the fear. Unlike the template of letter of recommendation that give companies, network gives you the opportunity to ask for recommendations from people you actually work or were part of your team.

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