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What are the most important historical figures?

What are the most important historical figures?

What are the most important historical figures?
In the article below, we will embark on the challenging and exciting task to appoint aa the most important or influential people in the history of mankind. Of course this list is not definitive, but these characters are repeated in the rankings that have been developed by various groups, not to be strict in order of importance, we will review the main contributions of these men in alphabetical order. We hope this list is to your liking.
To begin our list of great historical figures, we Aristotle (384 BC - 322 BC), the great Greek philosopher, probably the most influential man in history. He believes that he is largely responsible for the overall structure of Western civilization, our way of thinking and seeing the world. Also laid the groundwork for what would be the sciences, which are the basis of our present world.
We will continue in our list of Augustus (63 BC -14 AD), the Roman emperor who gave peace and prosperity to Rome after 100 years of internal wars. Under his tutelage and succession systems for government, Rome reached its maximum splendor in the arts and literature.
The Buddha, Siddhartha Gautama (560 BC - 477 BC), has been the source of inspiration for an important part of the world through the centuries. His doctrine of the middle way between the extremes of mortification and indulgence, is an ever-present example of tolerance, nonviolence, and wisdom through this doctrine, millions of people seek peace and inner wisdom.
We continue in our list of the most important historical figures with Christopher Columbus (1452 - 1506), the discoverer of the New World was called America. Columbus finally proved what others had speculated: it is possible to reach east by sailing west. His feat, comparable with the first man on the moon, has been an inspiration to all the great explorers and adventurers who followed him in the sea of ​​history.
For over two thousand years, the teachings of Confucius (551 BC - 479 BC) have served as pillars for East Asian civilization. Respect for this thinker was such that he was considered the "master teacher" and bowing to emperors in his grave. Its principles of benevolence and order are still taught and appreciated in the world.
Albert Einstein (1879 - 1955), with his theory of relativity, and the implications of the concepts of mass and energy, is considered in many publications as the greatest man of the last century. He was a man of great creativity that transformed the understanding of the nature of things forever.
On with Galileo Galilei (1564 - 1642), known for his contributions to physics and astronomy, who is considered the father of modern experimental science. He was condemned by the church at the time for his vision of the cosmos based on the theories of Copernicus, but Galileo recklessly, one of the most important historical figures, continued his research even during his arrest.
Johannes Gutenberg (1400 - 1468), invented the printing press, allowing first mass production of books, with consequent expansion and dissemination of knowledge than ever before. It really is the father and founder of the information age, and without his invention advances in science and knowledge that followed would have been impossible.
Jesus, his teachings and disciples was the founder of one of the most widespread religion in the world. His doctrine of love, equality and concern for the sick and infirm is respected and appreciated by the followers of all faiths.
Muhammad (570-632), who is the prophet of Islam, laid the foundation for the development of the Arab world and splendor. The doctrine of equality before God of believers not only served to devotees, but fortunately for western Islamic civilization preserved and revived the knowledge of antiquity in Europe after the Dark Ages.
Isaac Newton (1642 - 1727), another in our ranking of the most important historical figures, author of the famous "Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica" which proved the theory of gravity, is considered one of the greatest scientists in the history of humanity. Also developed what we know today as the calculation and discovered that white light is a combination of the other colors using prisms.
St. Paul (5 BC - 64 AD), the great apostle of the Christian Church, with its missionary activities allowed the message of Jesus to expand around the world. It is considered the most influential teacher of Christianity.
In China, Shih Huang-ti (259 BC - 209 BC) was the first governor can unify this great empire, establishing a centralized administration which served as a model for more than two millennia. It was contrary to the teachings of Confucius especially regarding the limits to the powers of rulers, and ordered to burn all the literature on the topic. It was he who initiated the works to build the "Great Wall", which aimed to protect the territory of the enemy.
Finalizing our list we can not fail to mention Lung Tsai (48-118), with a special place among the most important historical figures, whose invention of paper, China allowed rapid cultural development momentum was only surpassed in the West with the inventions of Gutenberg (printing). The invention of paper just arrived in Europe in the fourteenth century, and that could not be replicated anywhere else in the world, which often happens with other inventions.

What are the most important historical figures? 2012

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