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What is Ramadan?

What is Ramadan?

What is Ramadan?

What is Ramadan?: Ramadan is a Muslim tradition to be celebrated every year during the ninth lunar month. This is that time in which Muslims perform a number of sacrifices in honor of Allah Both men and women must make fast and stop having sex from sunrise to sunset. They should also stop smoking and perfume.
Muslims stop all these activities because God has ordained. Thus, the will can develop through fighting thirst, hunger and sexual needs, showing loyalty to God and trying to become better people, more moral.
Fasting turns out to be a crucial part of Ramadan, and must be met to start puberty. The only people who are allowed to do are not children, pregnant women, the sick and travelers. Once the sun has hidden usual drink juice or water, which are accompanied by dates, however, after the Sunset Prayer, you can eat a full meal. Later, after a rest, Muslims must go to the mosque for the Special Night Prayer.
During the fasting period lasts, Muslims must continue to perform their daily activities in a totally normal, but there are some places where it was decided to adapt the work day two hours shortening.
By the last day of fasting, Muslims take a bath early in the morning and eat some food. Then, perfume and dress elegantly to go to the site of the congregation of the end of the fast. They address the place constantly repeating, "God is great, there is no God but God and God alone deserves all praise."
Not only are fasting, but many Muslims do retreats and pilgrimages in which the ultimate goal is to praise their God. Those who made withdrawals spend the day with fervor reciting the Koran, praying extraordinary prayers, studying the traditions of the Prophet Muhammad and repeating phrases glorifying and praising God.
Throughout the month-long Ramadan Muslims receive many blessings if they fulfill all the commandments of God. The poorest and most needy receive much help in clothes, food and money from their community. It happens that during this time flows among Muslims a special energy that makes people more generous and friendly.

What is Ramadan? 2012

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