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what is religion

what is religion

what is religion

what is religion: From the beginning man tried to give response to the various enigmas of existence through various forms of religions, so we can understand what was going on around with nature, give meaning and purpose to your life , the why of its existence. I needed to understand the origin of good and evil, the cause of pain and the road that could lead to happiness. Thus, humans began to create (or discover, for believers) the various deities, they give an order to his world, and that protect you from all sorrows to which he was exposed. These early forms of religion have evolved to give way to the great traditions of religion today. The first religions were polytheistic, meaning, thought and worshiped different gods, according to the tribes or civilizations to which it belonged, that unlike religions are monotheistic, whose beliefs are centered in one God. This, to create various shapes, which provide protection in all areas in which they feel insecure or fearful.

Religions are the act or representation for which man believes demonstrate their recognition or existence of one or more gods, who have or have power over the fate in store for those who meet certain rites, obey, serve and honor of different ways.

Etymologically the word religion means obligation, but depending on the author or the current is the meaning attached to it. Cicero, for example, religious calling to those who met literally all acts of divine worship.

The modern theories of transpersonal psychology hand, make a parallel evolution of religions to the development of human consciousness, and associate the beginnings of several traditions with inner experiences of individuals who are at different stages of this path of inner development.

There are five major religions in the world, where the largest number of followers or believers, these are Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity, Islam and Hinduism. Where each has its key principles. For example Judaism believes in a spiritual and eternal God and that the end of time, God will send the Messiah, a man from the tribe of David. Then humanity will live in peace and harmony, united by the belief in the one God.

Christianity also believes in one God, where love should be the way of life of mankind. This is given by the fact that the son of God was present on earth, as flesh of Jesus Christ, who arrives with the good news of the resurrection of the dead, that is, of eternal life. This is how Jesus was resurrected and thus mankind will be resurrected on the last day of a short life of bliss.

Hinduism wants attaining liberation and absolute rest. This release understand it as the union of the self with the universal cosmic power, the essence of the universe. It is commonly thought that this religion is polytheistic deities for countless, but deep belief is one reality, Brahman, and think that all deities are manifestations of particular aspects of this all.

Buddhism is to achieve freedom from the phenomenal existence of its own suffering. To achieve this goal it is necessary to attain Nirvana, the state of enlightenment, and worship Buddha, meaning the awakened or enlightened.

Islam wants to reform the world make a critique of humanity that is too proud and selfish: "Man is by nature timid." When a misfortune befalls suffers panic, but when you experience events fortunate not share with others.

Religion has played a significant role in the development of humanity as it has always been linked to the moral development of the person and directing the course of their actions, the contributions of religion can be seen in literature and philosophy, science and development human potential in general, but has also gone through periods in which religion has helped to stall its development. As you can see, religion is a formal tool to bring man to God, and taken without fanaticism and tolerance contributes to the overall development and peaceful coexistence between humans.

what is religion  2012

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